I located that book and it certainly provides an exhaustive analysis. Thanks,
i spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
I located that book and it certainly provides an exhaustive analysis. Thanks,
i spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
I found the Orthodox Jewish Bible at:
where it is possible to download the complete book.
This is a bit bewildering at the moment. Obviously this requires some research.
i spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
Thank you for that find. I will have a very close look at it.
People like you are a great resource and help.
i spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
That Orthodox Jewish Bible is most interesting! I will have to look into it. Especially as it uses the Divine Name (Hashem). And the way that it references the Hebrew Bible - Isaiah, Genesis and Psalms; have you looked at these references they give?
Wow, that is a most fascinating find.
my spouse felt a need to tell to elders about me reading apostate websites and speaking against wt stuff , so they'll probably try to readjust my apostate thinking any time soon.
my spuse never see me reading anything but, during our arguments i did't keep my mouth shut and she knows that i had to read it somwhere and it wasn't
could this get my in the trouble if my spose is the only witness and never spoke to another person about this stuff ?
Is it possible that an elder is put in a bind if they are told something? And if that elder took no action, does that elder put himself at risk? If that is so, that forces the elder to act, knowing the effects on him if he does not toe the party line.
It sounds as if North Korea could learn a thing or two from the Watch Tower Society.
that was a question posed to me by a friend who just recently discovered my switch from one who used to have a belief in god to one that has a lack thereof.. they stated "most people i know, including your truly, were not much interested in closely following the tenants of the faith we were brought up in when we were in the prime of our young adulthood.
you on the other hand, were much more zealous back then and now have pretty much left it all behind.
surely it is not because you are not sowing your oats at this time.".
Excellent Donny!
I am now 73 and I am comforted with the thought that when I die, which by the law of averages cannot be in the distant future, that I shall return to the non-conscious state that I came from. At peace. Death thus has no fear for me. Religion works on fear, saying that you have a problem and we have the only cure.
For many people, religion provides them with comfort and meaning in a threatening world that is out of control. People generally look for patterns and when there is none, they blame it on their God punishing those who have strayed. The ancients had their multiple Gods, each assigned a task.
But the reality is that chaos is the norm. Everything is random. The only constant is variation.
Whether God exists or not is God's problem, not mine.
the very first sentence of the topic "inspiration" at "insight on the scriptures" volume 1, page 1202 reads:.
"the quality or state of being moved by or produced under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source.".
is it defining "inspiration" as a "quality or state"?.
Would it be any easier to comprehend the sentence if it were to be considered in the context of 2 Tim 3:16 as rendered in the NWT? Talking about that verse, why do translations render it as "inspired OF God"? Does the word "of" mean "by" or "about"? (There is no verb in the Greek, as you will have noticed: "All Scripture God-breathed and beneficial ... ." [Kingdom Interlinear Translation, 1969].)
I hasten to add that the Greek word rendered as "inspired" (breath in) is taken to be "God-breathed".
Can you see why I have problems with that opening sentence from the "Insight on the Scriptures"? And of course "inspiration" is a noun while "inspired" is not.
i spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
Even though this is a paraphrase rather than a direct translation from the available Greek, I find it interesting. Can you show me the text through to and including 18?
Have you tried to identify any chiasms in this paraphrase?
the very first sentence of the topic "inspiration" at "insight on the scriptures" volume 1, page 1202 reads:.
"the quality or state of being moved by or produced under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source.".
is it defining "inspiration" as a "quality or state"?.
I do not know where I got them, but I have the volumes on my Hard Drive. Each volume is about 45 meg. Email me.
the very first sentence of the topic "inspiration" at "insight on the scriptures" volume 1, page 1202 reads:.
"the quality or state of being moved by or produced under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source.".
is it defining "inspiration" as a "quality or state"?.
The very first sentence of the topic "Inspiration" at "Insight on The Scriptures" Volume 1, page 1202 reads:
"The quality or state of being moved by or produced under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source."
Is it defining "inspiration" as a "quality or state"?
I have tried many ways, but I have difficulty working out preciely what it is saying. Please help me!